iTools Download

iTools for iOS 12.2

iTools can be identified as a recommended Application for the management of iOS 12.2 device. Probably, you may hear of different versions of iTools for different iOS devices. Especially, the ThinkSky software company developed this iTools from time to meet with iOS users as an alternative App for iTunes and here we are going to focus about iTools for iOS 12.2.

iTools for iOS 12.2

The difference between iTools for iOS 12.2 and iTunes

iTools for iOS 12.2 and iTunes are different Applications and there is no doubt about it. First, because iTunes is an official app that comes along with all the Apple devices as a system app to manage iOS devices.

Yet, iTools for iOS 12.2 does not come with Apple devices and you have to download it separately to use it on your iOS 12.2 device.

Also, many Apple users have a tendency to avoid Apple’s iTunes and go for other alternative apps which are there to manage their iOS 12.2 devices because of some issues related to iTunes.Basically, Apple users have found issues related to the speed, efficiency and the accessibility of iTunes which makes most of such people to choose iTools instead of iTunes.

On the other hand, it can understand that though iTools and iTunes are two separate Applications, both are very much similar in the action of managing iOS devices. However, a few specific features are available in iTools and now let us find about them.

Specifications of iTools for iOS 12.2

Simple and easy to manage your data

You know that managing data on an iDevice is quite difficult than in other operating systems. However, now with iTools it will be easy for you to deal with your data as it will help you to manage your own photos, songs, videos and other media files.iTools also will give you its assistance to transfer data from your device to another one and when receiving the data from other devices to your iOS device.

Backup and Restore options

The data stored on your iOS 12.2 can get lost at any time either by mistakenly or due to an action of some software or hardware problem. On such occasion, you will be needing a data backup and restoring app to get your lost data back. Yet, now with iTools, you do not have to get any data backup and restore app because iTools consists of that option for you.

Ringtone Maker

Can you make your favorite song as the ringtone of your iOS 12.2 via iTunes?The answer will be no right? However, the ringtone maker option of iTools can not only make a ringtone out of any song you choose but also customize it as for where to start and where to end hearing your ringtone.

Video Converter

iTools consists of this amazing option of video converter where it will automatically convert your mp3 files to mp4 form reducing the additional time that it will take to convert them manually.

You can easily get this amazing iTools for your iOS 12.2 devices from the official iTools website now. There are also plenty of video guides on how to use it rightly.

So, why do you still hesitating? Just get iTools for iOS 12.2 and enjoy.

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