iTools Download

iTools 4

iTools 4 – Amazing piece of application for iOS users

Introduction to iTools 4

iTools 4 is an iOS application specially developed for the Apple users to manage and transfer the digital file from one device to another. It is also known as the alternative for official iTunes. iTools 4 is all in one solution for iPhone, iPad and iPod devices. You can now manage your media file by using the latest version of the iTools. Managing your digital files become easy with the iTools 4. The latest version is compatible with Windows and Mac pc. Windows users can freely transfer the data from the iOS device to the computer. You just need to connect your device to the computer with the connecting cable. Open the iTools 4 application on your computer and start syncing the information from the computer to the device. It is that simple to use on any operating system you generally use.

iTools Download

Supported devices

The iTools 4 is upgraded to support all the latest version of the Apple devices. The recent Apple phones and other devices are fully compatible with the software. If you are using the old versions of the Apple devices such as iPhone 1, iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S and iPad 1, 2 are supported to the iTools 4. You can simply download the application on the computer and start sharing and managing your data on the device.

Supported versions:

The iTools 4 support all the previous version of the devices. It also upgraded to support the latest version that recently released by the Apple. The iPhone 8, 8 plus, and iPhone X are also supported by the application. The developer of the iTools 4 keeps updating the software to give the users seamless experience.

Changes log/updates of the tool or app:

The old version of the iTools is upgraded to the latest version of iTools 4. The bug fixing is done the ongoing process as they reported by the users. The application is available in a stable version with no issues in the operation.

Known issues:

The basic operation of the iTools 4 is very slow. This is the known issue reported by many users. When you are operating the iTools on your computer, you may notice it takes some time to process data.

What are the common issues (FaQ):

Q 1) iTools gets hang while operating on the computer. How to solve this?

A: This is the most common issue faced by many people while operating the iTools 4 version. The simple answer for this is you should run the iTools only when you are not performing any other task on your computer. The iTools require a good amount of processing power to be fully functional. If you are running several tasks with the iTools, then chances are your screen will be frozen, and you will face the problem.

About developers:

ThinkSky the US-based company is behind the development and marketing of the iTools software. The company tried to develop the application look similar to the original iTunes. You can perform all the task that iTunes does for you. The company is working on developing more advanced software which allows users to manage and access their digital files easily.

Safety notes for users:

Keep your iTools 4 applications on the secure computer. Install it on your personal computer or the laptop. The iTools 4 records the data in the application so whenever you save something on your computer, it stores the data in the log file. Anyone with the hardware knowledge can access your personal data easily. Use the software on your risk as chances of manipulation of the software is very high due to open source feature.

Author Rating
Aggregate Rating
5 based on 2 votes
Software Name
iTools 4
Operating System
iOS, Windows, Mac
Software Category
iOS File Transfer Software
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